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Friday, March 26, 2010

Exercise 2

Front focus

Middle focus

Rear focus

I lined up several bottles for this exercise and took the photos at an aperture of 1.8 with my 35mm prime lens. I also used a tripod in order to keep the photos at the same aspect as each other, the pictures are above.
I find the front focus photo most pleasing to the eye as I am drawn immediately to the in focus bottle in the foreground. In the other two versions I find that the out of focus bottles in the fore and middle ground are distracting as they are the first things that my eye goes searching for.

Exercise 1

Having reread my user manual for my camera I completed the first exercise. Although my camera does not have a full frame sensor the focal length at which the two objects appeared the same size was 48mm. Having printed the pictures at A4 size and viewed them at varying distances they appeared the same size at approx the following distances. Photo 1 taken at 48mm was side by side with the clock. Photo 2 taken at 18mm had to be approx 20cm from my eye and photo 3 taken at 105mm had to be put behind the clock by more than 50 cm.

Photo 1 48mm

Photo 2 18 mm

Photo 105mm

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just set up my Blog for OCA photography courses.