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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Exercise Curves

In this exercise the requirement was to take 4 photographs with curves giving a sense of direction. Having considered the task I thought that there were some obvious curves such as roads,tracks and trails. I took several pictures and the ones that I chose cover a few of the available curve options.

The curve in the river leads into the distance and makes the eye follow it.

This is an interesting curve because the river has several reflections that also draw the eye along the river.

I am not sure whether this picture works as a curve effect as the curve is only on the edge of the bunker and does not give a sense of movement.

The curve in this track is more subtle and leads the eye into the distance, it would have been more effective with some kind of vehicle on it.

Exercise Diagonals

This exercise was to take 4 photographs with diagonal lines in them. Although the tasking stated that this was easier than the horizontal and vertical pictures I found it quite challenging to find good examples at first. However once I got the hang of what was being asked it became more straight forward. Here are my four examples:

This was taken on a children's pirate ship and the rope handles form diagonal lines into the background

This was a wall on the edge of a farm field I tried to create a diagonal by standing at a offset.

This path on the golf course cuts a diagonal line through the picture.

The rail tracks form diagonal lines into the distance.