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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Primary and secondary colours

I found this exercise exceptionally difficult as the colours that I was trying to search for were not immediately clearly identified.  I found this particularly challenging as I was trying to complete this exercise in the winter.

For the Blue pictures I used a clear day and a shot of the blue sky.  The auto exposure recommended setting was F10.   So I shot one at F10, one at F11 and one at F9.

As stated in the text, green that on  first thought would be easiest to find was indeed very difficult due to the variance of quality of the green colour throughout the foliage and other mass green areas that I tried to identify.  I eventually went for an apple.

For the red I used a flower.  The first shot was a little disappointing and out of focus in parts.


I also used a flower for the yellow colour.  This time there was very little difference between the photographs shot at the recommended aperture of F6.3 and those at F5.6 and F7.1.


For orange I used the centre of a carrot.
For the purple I resorted back to the flower.  On reflection the colour is maybe a little light an and is maybe more pink than purple.
