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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Exercise Real and Implied Triangles

Work and family commitments have meant that I have been a bit slow through the back end of this module. I have been trying to put this exercise together for sometime. Although the principle of the triangle seems very straight forward I found that parts were difficult to picture, such as the implied triangles. I experimented with various lenses and eventually succeeded in achieving some partial success.

This first photograph is of a standard triangle and was taken in the rain near a lake. The building is clearly triangular in shape and stands out in the shot.
This second photo was taken with a wide angle lens and was of the corner of my house, the angle of the camera has created a triangle of the edge of the building into the sky. There is also a natural triangle with the roof of the next door house.
I found that making this third shot was very difficult as the triangle needed to converge at the bottom of the frame. In this shot the posts are actually parallel and the effect of taking the picture from above helps with the convergence of the posts to the bottom of the frame. It would have been better if the shot could have been taken from a higher angle. Also the boy creates an implied triangle with the point converging at his feet, this effect is created because he has his arms apart.
For the attempt at the still life I tried a couple of scenarios the first was a wine rack with the wine stacked into a triangle the second was an arrangement of 4 ornaments on a mantle piece.

I prefer the wine bottle arrangement as there is a slightly more natural look, or less manufactured.

In this shot the apex of the triangle is at the bottom, thus making an inverse triangle.

The picture of my three children has an implied inverse triangle through the three of them. This is my favourite shot in this assignment as it has the most natural look to it. If I were to shoot it again I may try to get a better background and use a lower aperture to create some background blurring.

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