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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Part 4 Exercise 1: Measuring Exposure part 1

For the first part of this Exercise I need to produce some pictures that are deliberately lighter or darker than average.

 F16  1/250 ISO 200.  The first shot is darker because the metering has used the bright sky and therefore suggested a narrow aperture of F16.  This is not enough light to show up the people in the foreground
 F2.8. 1/60.  ISO 800.  The second shot was taken indoors in a dullish environment.  In order to bring more exposure the aperture has been moved down several stops and the ISO moved to 800.
 F2.8. 1/60.  ISO 800. This shot is similar to the last in that the aperture has had to be moved down to light up an internal scene thus putting some of the glasses out of focus.
 F7.1.  1 sec.  ISO 100.  This photography was taken in nearly pitch dark.  The street lights are the give away.  By changing the shutter speed to 1 sec I was able to illuminate the scene.
F13.  1/64. ISO 100.  This photograph appears darker because the aperture was left at F13 and the shutter speed fast therefore less light being captured on to the shot.

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