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Friday, April 30, 2010


These pictures were all taken from the same point witht the camera on a tripod with a different horizon in each shot.

Monday, April 19, 2010


This was probably the most balanced of the photos I took.

The balance in this Photo was reasonably symmetrical

This picture has three main focus areas one in the foreground and 2 in the background.

This picture has 2 main areas both in the foreground.

These are 6 of my photographs I have coloured the major areas and tried to identify the balance of each photo, this task was not always easy as identifying the main areas of a photo is difficult on busy shots. In some of the shots there was no central balance and the symetry was rarely in balance.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The top shot is 18mm wide angle and the bottem shot is the 105mm zoom shot.

For this exercise I photographed the same scene with my telephoto lens, once at 105mmand once at 18mm. I tried to frame the phot with the same boundaries so I started with 105mm shot and then moved in for the wide angle 18mm shot.
The diffence between the shots is marked in the zoomed shot the background is not so clear as in the wide angle shot, also the perspective is pretty different. For example the tree/bush between the person on the right of the shot and the person on the left of the shot in the zoom photo appears in completely a different position in the wide angle shot (betweent the person on the right and the right hand edge of the frame. Also items in the background of the zoom shot appear nearer/larger, such as the large tree to the rear. The wide angle shot appears to have more depth.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Focal length exercise

These are three phots taken in Bavaria of Neuschwanstein castle form some distance away with a telephot lens on a tripod. The first photo was at 18mm wide angle and has a large area covered but the castlis very small. The second photo was taken at 45mm, this photo shows the castle and a mountain but does not display the full mountain range. The third photo was taken at 105mm, the quality is lower, particularly as the light was a little hazy, but it clearly shows the castle as the main attraction but does not put it in context with the mountain range.

A Sequence of Composition Exercise

The sequence was taken at a children's Easter egg hunt, the first photo was of the initial briefing with a wide angle to catch everyone in front of the organiser.

I moved closer for this shot to capture some expressions.

The children set off and I moved to the location of the first egg.

I stayed a the location whilst the children snacked.

The group moved on so I took a shot showing the move.

A break away group move up the hill

I took a picture of the eggs to display the hiding place.

The eggs are discovered, I took a sequence of shots of the proud discoverer.

second in the sequence

A close up

Tehis shot was taken to at a discreeet point near the third egg as the search continued

My youngest asking for assistance

A follow on shot to track the movement

I remain in the same positionas the egg is discovered

They now come past me to hand in the eggs

I take some close ups as the eggs are handed in

Second close up

third close up

Fourth close up

I remain in place as my youngest searches up at tree for the next egg.

I now moved location to the point where the last egg is being hidden

I then tracked back to the children as they discovered the egg

I stayed in position as the children head back to the end point

From a distance a take a shot of the end of the hunt and the eggs being shared out

I moved in for some final shots of the prizes

These were a sequence of four shots close up just ot the side of the group as the eggs are being handed out.

This was taken from fairly close range with maximum zoom, aiming to capture the end result, a successful egg hunt.