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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exercise 6. Cloudy weather and rain

For the first part of this exercise I took shots of several items and subjects that I could find in the garden in the sunlight and then the shadow.  I noted the aperture and the speed of the shot.

The two shots of the rugby ball were taken as the sun came out the shaded shot was at F5.6 and 1/125 and the sunny shot at F5 and 1/250 so about 1-2 stops different on speed and aperture.  I prefer the shot with the shadow as it has more substance to it, particularly 

 The picture of the tap in the shade was F7.1 1/200 the one in the sun was F8 1/250.  The shaded photo is a little out of focus as the aperture widens.  The shade picture appears a little bluer but I prefer the detail in the sunny shot that has more shadow and contrast.  

The tree stump in shade was taken with F4 and 1/125 shutter speed, there was an anomaly with the aperture setting with the sunny shot as it selected F4 and 1/250.  In this case the sun probably overexposes parts of the sunny shot and the shaded shot is more effective as it shoes more detail.

For the second part of the exercise I needed two shots that were in shade, one with character and the other with a vibrant colour.

For the final part of this exercise I needed two shots taken in the rain.  Although this appears an easy task it is quite hard to capture shots that clearly demonstrate that it is raining.

This shot clearly shows the rain glistening on the monument. The misty appearance is also another good indicator.
In this shot the rain can be seen on the river and the umbrellas are another  good indicator of rain,

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