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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Part 5 Exercise 3

For this exercise I did not need to take any photographs.  I needed to match symbols to concepts and how you might use them in a photograph.

1.  Growth- Early plant life, you could take a shot of a small plant breaking earth.  Another idea would be to use a person wearing clothes that were too small and torn.  Arrows pointing up, you could use anything in a photograph of an arrow or arrow shaped object.

2. Excess- Weighing scales, a photograph of a particular high reading on weighing scales.  Lots of banknotes, jammed into a wallet or jar.  Food, a photograph of a plate with a vast amount of food piled on to it.

3.  Crime- A gun, simply lying on a table.  Handcuffs, on a persons wrists. Broken window, shown with a hand stretching through it.

4.  Silence- A finger on the lips, a photograph of just the finger and lips would be sufficient.  A library, people reading in a library with the silence please sign on show.  Tape over a mouth.  A shot of just a mouth with tape over it.  A musical note with a line through it.

5.  Poverty-   A sad child, in almost a begging pose.  An out stretched hand, palm up.  Dirty feet.

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