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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Changes to Assignment 3 changes post tutors report

It had taken me an awful long time to complete this assignment due to various reasons.  Once again I did not disagree with any of the tutors comments in his report.  I had found it particularly difficult to find pictures that both encapsulated the task and were of visual interest so it was not a huge surprise to find comments relating to a lack of substance in some of my shots.  I spend an awful lot of time travelling and that is often when I have the spare time to undertake the assignments so although it looks like I have been travelling the world looking for the perfect photo in reality it happens to be when I am away I have more time, in the later assignments I have tried to concentrate my efforts nearer to home.

I have made some alterations, as suggested, to some of the photographs that I took for this assignment the results are below:

Complementary Colours

I was reasonably satisfied with the first two shots in this category and although eh comments were fair concerning the red door I was not able to re-shoot it to include more interest.

The third picture in the set of I have cropped to remove the pavement and concentrate on the action surrounding the car.  I am pleased worth the result and the crop has definitely improved the photograph.

For the picture of the church I have brought the tree into the shot in order to bring some more complementary colour as suggested.


For the Wimbledon shot I have selected one that had more interest in it than just the coloured boards.  I have selected one of the shots that I took of the players warming up with their coaches.  It is not as clear as I would have liked but it is certainly an improvement on the original.

The other shot that could be improved in this section was the Las Vegas sign.  I realise that I had over concentrated on the colours and not added the interest.  I have chosen a long range shot that includes more of the surrounding detail as suggested.


For the thistle shot I have desaturated some of the yellow away and and altered the shot from landscape to portrait in order to concentrate on the thistles and the background.

For the landscape shot I have replaced it with another shot that has the foreground subject in focus as well as the background.


For the lighthouse photograph I have tried to choose a shot that has more of the environment to improve the interest to the shot.  I think that this is a better view.  With my previous photograph I was concentrating on the colour to the detriment of the content.

For the beach shot I have tried to make the girl more central to the composition.  I do think that it improve the shot although some of the far coastline detail is lost.

For the rest of the photographs in this assignment I was either content with them or unable to improve them further.

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